Welcome to TifDiP.com

Welcome to TifDiP.com


You made it!

Was it hard to find? Easy enough directions? I hope so.

Please, sit.

Make yourself comfortable and grab a drink (or two).

Because you are finally here at TifDiP.com and to that, I raise my glass and salute you, my friend!


In less than a year, I have fallen in love with something that is so innate and inevitable for me: being social.

It’s just what I do. I’ve always been social. In fact, being “socially distracted” in class was a consistent comment on most of my report cards from the dear Sisters of no Mercy. They always said I’d look back and say they were right one day.

school (4)

Putting this together has been like deja vu from about 2 years ago when I was making a presentation as a guest speaker in a class at my alma mater, Johnson & Wales University – Go Wildcats!

I started the presentation with a brief slide show of who I was, my past studies and jobs to show the path of how I transitioned from the sports industry into medical. It suddenly hit me as I was explaining my past job responsibilities that I had been learning and practicing marketing the entire time – I just didn’t recognize it as such. I used marketing as a transferrable skill to transition between two very different industries.


And here I am today at my computer, thinking of all the things I have done in the past 10 months that has brought me to this moment of announcing my website… to you! I realize that I’ve been working up to this moment for much more than just this past year; it’s like Dad’s delicious Sunday gravy that’s been simmering for a while, but is finally ready to serve and enjoy.

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of creating and building TifDiP – and to all who continue to support and help me grow each day!

I appreciate your comments, sharing with others and any constructive criticism, so please don’t hold back!

Now…. Let’s make things happen!





TifDip is a digital marketing consultant with a unique perspective on social media. Follow her on Twitter as she continues to bring a new twist to her coverage of the health industry, sports and other eclectic passions.

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8 Responses to Welcome to TifDiP.com

  1. Welcome to the Blogosphere my dear friend and sister! I hope you will love it and enjoy it as much as I do. With best wishes and love for a fun ride. E

  2. I’m the quiet auntie so my first impression, WOW! Need I say more?! Congratulations, good luck, can’t wait for more!

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