It’s Never ‘Goodbye’

It’s Never ‘Goodbye’

My dad has taught me innumerable things in the thirty years of my amazing existence: fishing, boating, gardening, how to swear in Italian, and cooking just to name a few.

However, there are several lessons that he has ingrained into my soul that I will never be able to shake – and honestly, I’d rather not.


Yep. That’s My Dad.

Anyone who knows my dad will be able to hear these words echo in their head as he bids farewell – “OK, I’ll see ya.”  Every time.

It’s as consistent as his voicemails that always start with “Tiffy, it’s your father.”

Well thanks for the clarification, Dad. Besides a little help from the caller ID help, you’re my dad and I know your voice (believe me, it still resonates loud and clear when I go to do certain things… or rather choose not to).

Soft Spots

As tough as my old school Italian father is, I know there is one thing that makes him very uncomfortable, and that is when loved ones part ways. He does it with a swift hug, quick pat on the back, and his final remarks of “OK, I’ll see ya.”

The only time I’ve ever heard my dad say some sort of a “goodbye” is when he hangs up the phone, AFTER he says “I’ll see ya,” he will sometimes add a “yep, buh-bye” if the person on the other end insists on having the final word.

Dropping Dad off at the airport always makes me sniffle.
Dropping Dad off at the airport always makes me sniffle.

Not For Us

The phrase “goodbye” is too final.

‘Goodbye’ is too definite of an ending for us DiPannis to be comfortable with. Technically there is only one time and place for a true ‘goodbye,’ and no one ever wants to be in that situation.

But when you think about it, if you do believe that there is life after death, no matter what shape or form, you’re still going to see them later, right?

See Ya!

Of course there have been a few situations in my life where I have found the “good” in “goodbye,” and needed to finalize a chapter in the book of life. And that’s OK.

But on a day to day basis, I challenge you to rid this word of your vocabulary, especially with your loved ones.

So next time you part ways, send a wave, give a hug, and do whatever you do – but never say goodbye.



“Life is too short to spend time with those whom you would not want to see later, so don’t make it so certain.” – TifDiP



TifDip is a digital marketing consultant with a unique perspective on social media. Follow her on Twitter as she continues to bring a new twist to her coverage of the health industry, sports and other eclectic passions.

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